vBioAge App
vBioAge is a measure of your real biological age that is based on your health behaviors and scientific research. Rather than a chronological age, which measures from your date of birth until now, our research is based on key health factors that impact your biological age today. Some of these factors can be changed by you such as BMI and physical activity. However, other factors, such as family history, cannot be changed.
Underwriting Solutions using New Data
Using scientific research, technology, and reinsurance validation, we help you collect, standardize, and analyze health data from wearable devices and smartphones to integrate into your underwriting platform to manage population health in real time. For further comfort, we cross reference actuarially-validated table ratings to provide risk stratification and revenue analyses on your current in-force population.

Powering Wellness with Science
Using scientific research, technology, and reinsurance validation, we help you collect, standardize, and analyze health data from wearable devices and smartphones to integrate into your underwriting platform to manage population health in real time. For further comfort, we cross reference actuarially-validated table ratings to provide risk stratification and revenue analyses on your current in-force population.
Our Expertise
Disrupting Health and Wellness
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