Science-based Wellness

Powering Wellness with vScore Health

Powering Wellness with Science

Our Product: vScore Health

vScore Health is the first of its kind to provide science-based health risk assessments (HRA) using physical activity and wearable wellness data. Powered by medical-grade data and analytics, we personalize insights for an individual to understand their health status. This allows them to benchmark realistic personal goals and motivate healthy behavior change.


Data Collection

  • Simplified user experience
  • Integration with over 300+ wearables and smartphones
  • Access to historical individual’s wearable information
  • Standardized ontology (Steps are consistent across devices)

Science-Based Analysis and Insights

  • HRA is completed within seconds
  • Predictive chronic disease risk modeling
  • Access to historical individual’s wearable information
  • Wellness dimension scoring (i.e. mental health, nutrition, sleep, moderate to vigorous activity)


  • Easy application completion – done in seconds
  • Supportive web and mobile solution integrations
  • Continuous health risk monitoring
  • Longitudinal data for customer targeted marketing
  • Health risk measurement to support engagement: vScore or vBioAge

Use Cases

We are visionaries and consultants who can assist in developing a full lifecycle solution using vScore. Some solutions include the following:

Emplyee Engagement and Coaching

Use vScore Health as the foundation to develop rewards programs to cultivate healthy lifestyle choices, resulting in reduced healthcare expenses, better claims, and safer workplaces.

Chronic Disease Risk Management

Manage conditions leading to chronic disease such as Type II Diabetes or Cardiovascular Disease.

Population Health Programs

Make a difference in your communities by using vScore as a foundational metric for family and children-specific health programs.

Intererested in our Demo?

Contact our team at for further questions about our analytics and how our solutions can work in your buisness.

vScore Health Score Description


vScore Health

vScore Overall provides an overall health score using physical activity (wearable device or smartphone) and other health variables such as BMI, Sleep, Waist size, drinking behaviors, smoking behaviors, etc.

We use a population-based dataset in which we score the individual and compare to their health score to their age and sex average as a benchmark. It provides people with a scientifically validated score, personalized to them, to be used as a measurement of their holistic health and wellness.

Score Ranking DEFINITION: Compared to individuals your age and sex
0-49 Poor Well below overall average
50-62 Fair Below overall average
63-73 Good Equivalent
74-85 Very Good  Above overall average
86-100 Excellent Well above overall

Chronic Illness Risk Ranking

Similar to our measurement of overall health, we use a population-based dataset that we base chronic illness scoring by. This allows us to provide a risk score to the individual and compare their risk of chronic illness to their age and sex average. The lower the score, the higher the risk.

Score Ranking DEFINITION: Compared to individuals your age and sex
0-49 Poor Very High Risk: Well above average
50-62 Fair High Risk: Above average
63-73 Good Moderate Risk: Equivalent
74-85 Very Good  Low Risk: Below average
86-100 Excellent Very low Risk: Well below average

Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease Score provides an individual their risk of developing cardiac disease. Clinical assessment score based on physical characteristics of the individual (i.e. age, height, weight, sex, waist circumference), physical activity, and historical family disease risk.

Type II Diabetes

Type II Diabetes Disease Score provides an individual their risk of developing type II diabetes. Clinical assessment score based on physical characteristics of the individual (i.e age, height, weight, sex, waist circumference), physical activity, and historical family disease risk.

Lung Disease

Lung Disease Score provides an individual their risk of developing lung disease. Clinical assessment score based on physical characteristics of the individual (i.e age, height, weight, sex, waist circumference), and physical activity.

Low Back

Pain Low Back Pain Score provides an individual their risk of developing low back pain. Clinical assessment score based on physical characteristics of the individual (i.e age, height, weight, sex, waist circumference), and physical activity.


Arthritis Score provides an individual their risk of developing arthritis. Clinical assessment score based on physical characteristics of the individual (i.e age, height, weight, sex, waist circumference), and physical activity.

vMove Score

This activity score which is based on average daily steps and moderate to vigorous physical activity minutes per day, categorizes an individual from Sedentary to very active.

Score Ranking DEFINITION: Compared to individuals your age and sex
0-49 Poor Sedentary: Very inactive& well below average
50-62 Fair Light Active: Below average
63-73 Good Moderately Active: Equivalent
74-85 Very Good  Active: Above average (Minimum Recommended)
86-100 Excellent Very Active: Well above average


This mental score is a clinical assessment score based on the user’s happiness, depression, stress, and physical activity

Score Ranking DEFINITION: Compared to individuals your age and sex
0-49 Poor Well below overall average
50-62 Fair Below overall average
63-73 Good Equivalent
74-85 Very Good  Above overall average
86-100 Excellent Well above overall


This score is a clinical assessmentscore based on the user’s macronutrient intake and physical activity.

Score Ranking DEFINITION: Compared to individuals your age and sex
0-49 Poor Well below overall average
50-62 Fair Below overall average
63-73 Good Equivalent
74-85 Very Good  Above overall average
86-100 Excellent Well above overall


In this section adults’ sleep is compared to National Sleep Foundation recommended sleep which is based on age. Average population ranking in all ages is “Very Good”.

Score Ranking DEFINITION: As per recommendations by National Sleep Foundation
0-49 Poor Not Recommended
50-62 Fair Not Recommended
63-73 Good Maybe Appropriate
74-85 Very Good  In Recommended Range
86-100 Excellent In Recommended Range

vScore Health Questions

Minimum Questions:

  1. Birthdate [YYYY/MM/DD]
  2. Biological Sex [Male/Female/Other]
  3. Height [Feet & Inches OR Centimeters]
  4. Weight [Pounds/Kilograms]
  5. Waist circumference [Centimeters/Inches]

Optional Questions:

  1. Smoking behaviour
    Response: Never/Former Occasional Smoker/Former Daily Smoker /Smoker/ Always An Occasional Smoker/ Occasional Smoker/ Daily Smoker
    IF any answer other than NEVER: Cigarettes per week?
    Response: [type in number]
  2. Drinking behaviour
    Response: Never Drank/Former Drinker/Currently Drinks
    IF any answer other than NEVER DRANK: Drinks per week? info bubble: [one drink = one beer, one glass of wine, one shot of liquor or mixed drink]
    Response: [type in number]
  3. Daily stress?
    Response: Not At All Stressful/Not Very Stressful/A Bit Stressful/Quite A Bit Stressful/Extremely Stressful
  4. Overall happiness?
    Response: Happy and Interested in Life/Somewhat Happy/Somewhat Unhappy/Unhappy with Little Interest in Life/So Unhappy that Life is Not Worthwhile
  5. Have you ever been told by a health professional that you have high blood pressure? Info: normal BP: diastolic < 90 and systolic <140 abnormal BP: diastolic >=90 or systolic >=140
    Response: YES/NO
    If YES: Is your high blood pressure well controlled with treatment?
    Response: YES/NO

  6. Have you ever been told by a health professional that you have cardiovascular disease?
    Response: YES/No
    If YES: Is your cardiovascular disease well controlled with treatment?
    Response: YES/NO

  7. Has anyone in your immediate family ever been told by a health professional that they have Type II Diabetes?
    Response: YES/NO
  8. Have you ever been told by a health professional that you have Type II Diabetes?
    Response: YES/NO
    If YES: Is your Type II Diabetes well controlled with treatment?
    Response: YES/NO

  9. Have you ever been told by a health professional that you have lung disease?
    Response: YES/NO
    If YES: Is your lung disease well controlled with treatment?
    Response: YES/NO

  10. Have you ever been told by a health professional that you have osteoarthritis?
    Response: YES/NO
    If YES: Is your osteoarthritis well controlled with treatment?
    Response: YES/NO

  11. Do you have chronic low back pain?
    Response: YES/NO
    If YES: Is your chronic low back pain well controlled with treatment?
    Response: YES/NO